E3: Performing WODs Technical Essay

27 Sep 2021

I actually freaked out when I saw this WOD! I thought it was much harder just looking at it. However, the sameple video was a huge help for me. Hopefully one day I can just do it without looking at the sample one. I feel like this class is all about learning the concept. If you are not 100% sure about one thing, you cannot continue any more. So, I recommend you to raise any questions you have. Also, for more details about the last WOD that I worked on you can find clickking this link here

I tried to do Lab6 first but I did not have enough source and knowledge to work on it. I know I should not have watched the sample video prior to complete my WODs, but this time I couldn’t help. I watched and learned. One more thing is that for the browserhistory 1, 2, and 3 I worked on without audio. Therefore, over the weekend I re did it and I felt that doing over and over, I gain more skills and get comfortable doing it. Hopefully I can master string template too.

For the next WODs, I hope to read more source about it before doing it so I do not struggle figuring out.